Wer wir sind

To talk about Peñín is to talk about the history of Spanish wine in the last 30 years. With a consolidated brand, it is the leading company in the promotion and diffusion of Spanish wine culture both nationally and internationally.

The company has a group of multidisciplinary professionals and is mainly recognized for the annual publication of the Peñín Guide to Spanish Wines and for the organization of professional events both within Spain and abroad. It also develops other business areas related to wine, such as training, communication services and wine consulting.

Escaparate 30 aniversario - manuales Peñín desde sus inicios
Showcase zum 30-jährigen Jubiläum - Peñín Manuals aus den Anfängen
Primera edición de la Guía Peñín - 1990
Erste Ausgabe des Peñín-Führers - 1990
Primeras ediciones Guía Peñín - 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
Erste Ausgaben von Guía Peñín - 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
Guía Peñín 2021 - nueva imagen verde
Peñín-Führer 2021 - neues grünes Image
Guías vinos internacionales y guías en inglés y alemán - antiguas ediciones
Internationale Weinführer und Führer in englischer und deutscher Sprache - alte Ausgaben

Peñín Guide

The Peñín Guide to Spanish wines is the most comprehensive Spanish wine guide in the world. With editions in Spanish, English, German and Chinese, it is the most widely used tool for amateurs and professionals to make purchasing decisions on Spanish wine.

The first edition was published in 1990 under the name of Vinos y Bodegas de Españaand was edited by José Peñín, current honorary president of the company, at a time when access to information on wineries and wines was very limited. José Peñín managed to bring together all the relevant data for consumers in a guide that served as an orientation for all those who wanted to explore the world of wine. Over the years, this Guide has became the Vademecum of Spanish Wine, with more than 11,500 tastings per year.

But Peñín's prescribing role does not end there. In addition to Spanish wines, each year the tasting team evaluates wines from other countries, such as Mexico, Argentina or Chile, and products such as spirits or vermouth.


After ten years of publication of the guide, it became clear that there was a need to create a meeting point between producers and customers. The former found it difficult to make their wines known to the general public, while the latter had no access  to the best rated wines in Spain. In response to this need, Peñín created the Top Wines from Spain tasting showroom, which held its first edition in year 2000.

Thus was born the events department which, two decades later and with more than fifteen activities managed each year, has made Peñín the leading company in the organization of events to promote Spanish wineries and wines nationally and internationally.

Sala cata en el Salón de los Mejores Vinos de España - actividades paralelas
Verkostung im Verkostungsraum für Spitzenweine aus Spanien - parallele Aktivitäten
Etapa visual - cata de vino
Visuelle Bühne - Weinverkostung
Actividades paralelas durante Salón de los Mejores Vinos de España
Parallele Aktivitäten während der Verkostung von Top-Weinen aus Spanien im Showroom
Visitantes al Salón de los Mejores Vinos de España
Besucher des Salón de los Mejores Vinos de España (Ausstellung der besten Weine Spaniens)
Aroma - fase olfativa en la cata de vino
Aroma - Geruchsphase bei der Weinverkostung
Aroma del vino - fase olfativa catando vino
Das Aroma des Weins - die olfaktorische Phase der Weinverkostung

Tasting School

For the past decade, Peñín has run its own Tasting School, a space where it organizes courses at all levels for amateurs, wine professionals and companies.

These courses are conducted by a teaching team formed by oenologists, tasters and journalists with extensive experience and knowledge. In them, attendees learn to value wine and define its characteristics, while enjoying themselves and losing their fear of tasting.

Attendees do not need previous knowledge, as the contents are adapted to their level of training. The most outstanding is the Systematic Course on Spanish Wine (CSVE), with a more academic profile, designed for those who want to deepen in the tasting experience. Peñín also offers theme-based tasting courses, aimed at learning about specific subjects and with a more recreational approach.

PR and communication agency

Peñín also has its own communication and public relations agency, where it helps wine and spirits companies to increase their notoriety, improve their brand image and achieve their objectives.

Thanks to a team of highly experienced professionals, we offer our clients comprehensive traditional and digital communication services: maintaining media relations, developing communication plans, sending press releases, improving corporate communication, managing social networks and building relationships with influencers, among others.


Entrevista a un expositor en el Salón de los Mejores
Interview mit einem Aussteller auf dem Salon der Besten
Entrevista en el Salón Selección Tenerife
Interview im Selection Showroom Tenerife