Synonyms: arinto do dao, assario branco (Portugal), blanco fino, blanca roja, blanquirroja, boal cachudo, malmsey, malvasía canaria, malvasía fina, malvasía riojana, rojal, subirat, subirat parent (Catalonia) and tobia.
Under the name Malvasía, there are different varieties of white grape vines, many of them corresponding to the pattern of the aromatic variety reminiscent of muscatel, but others do not.
In Spain, varieties called Malvasía have traditionally been cultivated in many regions: Aragón, Baleares, Castilla la Mancha, Castilla y León, Cataluña, Canarias, La Rioja, Murcia, Navarra and Valencia. In the case of the "amoscatelada" variety, the wines obtained are smooth, aromatic, tasty and with a bitter finish.
In the case of the "non-amoscatelada" varieties, they produce light, fresh and simple wines.
In Spain, the following different varieties are grown under this "disaster box" that malvasia has been for years:
Alarije: also known as malvasía riojana, rojal, subirat parent. This variety is mainly found in Calatayud, Navarre, Catalonia and Rioja.
Malvasía Aromática: also known as Sitges malvasía or pink malvasía. Cultivated in the Canary Islands, with special influence in La Palma and also in Catalonia. It has the aforementioned muscat nuances, with a high acidity, which produces a rich contrast and balance in its sweet wines.
Chasselas or Chasselas Malvasía Berciana: concentrated in the Bierzo region, Galicia and Asturias. It produces wines with little body, low acidity and high alcohol content. It is usually used for the production of sweet wines.
Doña Blanca (malvasía castellana, dona branca): grown in the provinces of Badajoz, Salamanca, León, Valladolid, Zamora (DO Arribes and DO Toro) and Orense. The profile of this variety is aromatic and floral.
Planta Nova (tardana): located in Valencia and Murcia. This variety has little aroma and low alcoholic content, but it has good acidity.
Malvasía Volcánica: Canary Islands. It has the aforementioned amoscatelated nuances, a high alcohol content and a rich acidity. This malvasia is mainly found in Lanzarote.
Wines with the same grape variety

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