Peñín Guide 2025 kicks off, the first sips of the month of January

11 January 2024

As soon as we have barely digested the grapes that have ushered in the new year, at Guía Peñín we are already focusing on the 2025 edition, which begins its tasting tour this January; commitments to arrive in October with the most complete Guide to Spanish wines in the world.

This very week sees the start of the tastings of the Peñín Guide, a unique Guide that analyses the wines of Spain without applying filters or selections, i.e. tasting everything from the most complex, detailed and artisan wines to the simplest and most accessible wines on the market. There are wines for all types of consumers and at Guía Peñín we have always boasted about the democratising nature of our Handbook of Wines, which takes into account all budgets and consumers.

La guía de cerca

The start of this year's tastings begins with part of the tasting team travelling to Mancha, where they will analyse a wide range of young wines full of direct fruit character and easy to drink, and they will also have the opportunity to taste the new vintages of aged wines, which will give us an accurate picture of what is happening in this appellation of origin.

We will continue our tastings with a stop at the wines of Valdepeñas. This time the wines will travel to our offices in Madrid.

The second on-site trip will be to the Jerez and Manzanilla de Sanlúcar appellations, where two of our tasters will take the pulse of the always enigmatic wines of the Marco. These tastings will be completed with tastings of the wines from the land of Cádiz, where we have seen so much progress in recent years with still wines made from local varieties.

Following these tastings, the wines of Condado de Huelva and Montilla-Moriles, as well as Málaga, Granada, the Vinos de la Tierra de Andalucía and Southern Vinos de Mesa will be concentrated in Madrid, which will allow us to close the circle of an important part of the Southern fringe of Spain.

January will culminate with an exciting week in the province of Barcelona, during which the entire tasting team will be able to evaluate the sparkling wines of DO CAVA, in the process of transformation and regional segmentation, the sparkling wines of Corpinnat and the wines of DO Penedès, through their exciting xarel.lo and classic reds, as well as the local bubbles of Clássic Penedès.

All these tastings will be published in advance for our online premium subscribers through our website, and will form part of the Peñín Guide 2025 yearbook, which will go on sale in book format in October.

January kicks off with a bang and with the excitement of being able to look through the tasting magnifying glass at the new vintages that are due to hit the shelves. Everything is ready for us to bring you the latest novelties in Spanish wine. An exciting sensory journey lies ahead that we are looking forward to reporting on.

    Written by Redacción

Las mejores burbujas de España

Os traemos los fuera de serie de nuestro país, seis de las mejores elaboraciones que hemos podido catar este año y que se encuentran en nuestra última edición de la Guía Peñín 2024.

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